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2005-03-20 - 11:45 a.m.

14:00- I haven�t written in ages. Suck it up and move on.
Well now that that�s out of the way.

I have a very good day today. I got up about midday and ran down to the shop. There I found nympho Barbie making bitchy comments about my best friend (who�s coming back up on Tuesday *grin*).

Anyway I got to scare her, the Barbie not my best friend. You know the drill: Scary smile, buddy-buddy act, death threats, etc, etc.
And then stopped by Harry�s field where my darling boyfriend was playing football [and looking rather nice doing it I must say]. But more to the point, he bore gifts, and gorgeous cinnamon bath bomb at that. Which is great because I was complaining to Todd earlier in the week that everything is either �flowery� or �fruity� lately and it annoyed me. So it�s nice to know that even if he doesn�t listen to me, he has the good sense to consult my friends before buying me things.
I don�t actually know why I got a present. He said it was because of the Dead Kennedies CD I got him last week. V said (via phone obviously) that he was obviously feeling guilty about something and that I should break up with him immediately. But then she tells me to break up with him all the time, as in ALL the time.

And yet when I told her that I was going to break up with him (just to see how she�d respond) she got all horrified. �But he loves you! You love him! You can�t do that! Why? Why would you do that? Tell me why!�
Do you ever get that lovely, comforting �Rock and a hard place� feeling?

But what I really want to talk about is my freezer.

I had to go into my freezer today. That in and of itself is a rare occurrence as I generally avoid it at all costs. However today was especially odd as I not only went into it, but I also got out of it without dying, crying or being critically injured.

You see we have a gigantic chest freezer. As in: HUGE! There may be lost polar expeditions in there that we know nothing about. I�ve only see the bottom of it once and that was when we first got it.
It was delivered on a Sunday and my cousin said �I bet you I could fit in there easy�. He could. Then it was �I bet you a tenner that you AND me couldn�t fit in here�. I was short on cash so I got in.

He went �Well how about that�, handed me a fiver and said I�d get the other one when I got out. He then leaped out, slammed the lid shut and locked it.

Ninety minutes I was in there!
He kept sneaking out of the living room (where everyone else was) and threatening to plug it in and freeze me.
I kept telling him to go die in a hole, which probably didn�t encourage him to let me out but never mind.

I can�t actually remember how I got out but I remember him telling my dad that he �Didn�t understand why on earth I�d lock myself in a freezer� and that he was �Just thankful that he found me before I hurt myself�. Bastard.

And after that I�ve been afraid of it. But it�s not even that, it�s ALWAYS full. There are animal carcasses in there. Tubs of obscure ice creams. Scary desserts my aunt made eons ago that we keep meaning to try. And frozen pizzas that are right at the bottom for some reason. Which really annoys me, as it�s what I tend to eat when I�m home alone and can�t be assed cooking.

It�s in the back lobby too. The light in the back lobby doesn�t really work so the only light you�ve got is the one in the freezer, which flickers and goes out completely on a whim. It�s got this whole �Are you afraid of the dark?� vibe to it. Freaky.

Plus it�s cold and white and hospital looking. Which is just not good for me.

Oh bugger.
Mum wants me to go in and get mackerel.


So I finally get to a place where I can actually write things down without going crazy and what happens? Diaryland breaks.

There are times where only my appreciation of irony stops me from hitting things.

[Just so we�re clear, I�m not mad at the nice man who keeps it all working and allows me to vent all my pointless crap. I�m just�er�. Irked]

Well I�m still bored. I�m looking for a new MSN picture right now (Katie has stopped trying to contact me so the picture of Billie Joe Armstrong is sorta redundant)
Every time I click on that friggin site a phone icon rings. Seriously it�s driving me nuts, whenever I click ANYTHING it goes �bbbbbbbbring!�
It�s so high pitched that my ear nearly bleeds. And it was already less than perfect as I had an ear infection (and have).

I told mum it was getting better by itself but that�s just because I don�t want to go to the doctors.

Yeah I know I�m a wimp but I don�t really care.

The whole friggin site has gone to hell now. Yayness.And I had a comment too. From someone I don't know even.
Which I can't access. *pouts*
Anyways, I�ve had my cinnamon bubble bath. *Grin*
And I�m just writing about what I�m actually doing because I can�t be bothered to have any opinions today. I figure that writing anything ATALL is an improvement on perpetual writer�s block.

Ooh look at that. Now taken up three pages on Microsoft word. What fun.

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