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2005-03-26 - 5:38 p.m.

Do you ever suddenly feel refreshed for no reason at all?
I do.

I mean I still hate living here, being ere and being a part of all of this crap that�s going on around me but for some reason it seems much more bearable. Like even though it�s not getting better now, it doesn�t matter because it will soon.

I�m listening to an album that I�ve listened to a thousand times before and yet it�s like I�m hearing it for the first time. �Maybe I�m high or something� was the helpful suggestion from my boyfriend. I didn�t hit him too hard.

All the little things that would normally anger me seem incredibly amusing today. Like a Christian website that is telling me I, along with pretty much everyone else, am going to burn in hell. That in itself doesn�t anger me much, however the heading �Our shop, no donation, no salvation� would normally lead to a rant or two about commercialism in our society. Today, however, it amuses me. To the point where every time I think of it, I grin like an idiot.

Anyway. I�m sure I�ll have a pertinent point to make soon enough. Like I�m currently talking to some guy in France who�s hacked into my friend�s account. We were discussing whether or not he could get whisky put into his coffee. He could by the way, they didn�t even ask for ID. So he was rather happy.

Alright so maybe that wasn�t �pertinent� point per se. More like� interesting side note.

Ah screw this. I�m off to play �sheepish� and email people in Austria. Just because I can.

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